Tools for Inner Development & Wellbeing

Stress Management

Stress Management

Stress is the highest cause of absence among non-manual employees, with an estimated 12.8m working days lost in Britain in 2003 – 04.
Source: Don’t Mind Me, New Philanthropy Capital 2006

How much does stress cost? The Confederation of British Industry has estimated that mental health and stress problems cost employers £5bn, and the Institute of Management has estimated that every day, more than a quarter of a million people take time off work because of work-related stress. That sets the British economy back £7bn a year in sick pay, lost production and costs to the NHS.

On a personal level stress is having an enormous impact on a people’s health and well being. People can experience a wide range of symptoms including physical, emotional and mental difficulties. As a result there is an increasing demand for effective methods to manage and limit the effects of stress on the individual. My approach to Stress Management draws upon the latest research in neuroscience, Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy, Mindfulness and is a truly integrated approach. It can help most people manage their stress, worry, fear or anxiety.

I also supply a wide range of support materials that are available on the internet, YouTube and as podcasts.

If you would like to discuss this course further then please feel free to contact me.

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