Good deep tissue massage and manipulative therapy involves the skillful restoration of mobility to soft tissues and joints using a variety of massage, mobilisation and stretching techniques.
The application of massage as a therapy is based upon a thorough understanding of the techniques of massage, anatomy and physiology. It aims to re-balance the muscles and joints by working on the muscles, tendons, joints and ligaments. This approach makes deep tissue massage a powerful yet non-traumatic therapy. There are numerous benefits associated with deep tissue massage and these include:
Before treatment begins a thorough history and physical examination is carried out to identify postural habits, limitations of movement, strength of muscles, flexibility and general health.
After a history is taken and the patient examined a treatment plan is then designed which takes into consideration each person’s needs so as to return the client to full fitness as soon as possible. The plan includes soft tissue massage and advice on relevant exercises to help in the recovery process.
Manipulative Therapy, Physical Therapy & Massage Therapy are proven and effective ways to prevent, treat and be used in the rehabilitation of a wide range of conditions that result from physical, mental and emotional stress.
“…a single massage may deliver a measurable benefit.”
Cedars Sinai Institute – Sept 2010
Prices: £34 / 30mins £54 / 60mins
Please, let me know if there's anything I can do for you. I'll gladly come back to you in no time.